Leveraging data from a vast collection of court decisions from across U.S. jurisdictions, this AI tool identifies the main legal issues covered in a specific case. It offers a quick, comprehensive understanding of the legal complexities involved in each case.
Rating: 4.8/5
1 TB
Updated July 2023
What are the legal issues covered in the case of Brown v. Board of Education?
The primary legal issues in Brown v. Board of Education were:
1. Racial Segregation:
"The case centered around the constitutionality of racial segregation in public schools."
View here
2. Equal Protection:
"The case involved the interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause."
View here
Our system is connected to numerous U.S. court databases, allowing us to stay updated with the latest court decisions. We monitor and collect any new rulings, process and index them to ensure that our AI tool remains accurate and current in identifying legal issues.
You can retrieve the legal issue identifier embeddings using the embedelite Python package or by making a CURL request.
# This provides a list of embeddings
from embedelite import load_embedding
embeddings = load_embedding("legal-issues-us")
# This provides an object ready for database insertion
result = load_embedding("legal-issues-us", embed_for="embedelite")
# The result is {"embeddings": [], "documents": [], "ids": []}
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"doc_id": "legal-issues-us"
}' https://api.embedelite.com/v1/embeddings/download/
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"doc_source": { "type": "keyword" },
"sentence": { "type": "text" },
"embeddings": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1536, "index": false },
"doc_source": { "type": "keyword" }